Package | nz.central.ihub.ig |
Type | ConceptMap |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 1.0.12-rc1 |
Status | active |
Date | 2024-09-17T03:47:47+00:00 |
Name | NZCRLanguageConceptMap |
Title | NZ Central Region Language Concept Map |
Experimental | False |
Realm | nz |
Authority | national |
Description | Concept map mapping raw Language codes ex. WebPAS to proper `ietf:bcp:47` language codes |
Purpose | Translates raw language codes used in WebPAS to more recognised `ietf:bcp:47` language codes |
No resources found
CodeSystem | |
urn:ietf:bcp:47 ![]() | Common Codes from BCP-47 | ![]() | NullFlavor | ![]() | NZ Central Region - Proposed Language Code System | ![]() | NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System |
urn:ietf:bcp:47 ![]() | ietf-bcp-47 | ![]() | NZ Central Region - Raw Language Value Value Set |
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Generated Narrative: ConceptMap nzcr-language-map
Mapping from NZ Central Region - Raw Language Value Value Set to urn:ietf:bcp:47
Group 1 Mapping from NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System to Tags for the Identification of Languages
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
ACH (Acoli) | is equivalent to | ach (Acoli) | |
DIN (Dinka) | is equivalent to | din (Dinka) | |
FIL (Filipino) | is equivalent to | fil (Filipino) | |
NIU (Niuean) | is equivalent to | niu (Niuean) | |
TVL (Tuvalu) | is equivalent to | tvl (Tuvalu) | |
ACE (Acehnese) | is equivalent to | ace (Achinese) | note name correction; aka Acehnese |
AFR (Afrikaans) | is equivalent to | af (Afrikaans) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
AII (Assyrian Arabic) | is equivalent to | ayp (North Mesopotamian Arabic) | utter confusion in correct langauge code and name |
AMH (Amharic) | is equivalent to | am (Amharic) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
ARA (Arabic) | is equivalent to | ar (Arabic) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
ASE (Sign Lang - American) | is equivalent to | ase (American Sign Language) | note name correction |
BEN (Bengali) | is equivalent to | bn (Bengali) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
BUL (Bulgarian) | is equivalent to | bg (Bulgarian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
CDO (Chinese - Foochow) | is equivalent to | cdo (Min Dong Chinese) | note name correction |
CES (Czechoslovakian) | is equivalent to | cs (Czech) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
CHM (Chinese - Mandarin) | is equivalent to | cmn (Mandarin Chinese) | please use correct iso code |
DAN (Danish) | is equivalent to | da (Danish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
DUT (Dutch) | is equivalent to | nl (Dutch) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
DZO (Bhutanese) | is equivalent to | dz (Dzongkha) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
ENG (English) | is equivalent to | en (English) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
FAS (Farsi) | is equivalent to | fa (Persian) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
FIJ (Fijian) | is equivalent to | fj (Fijian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
FIN (Finnish) | is equivalent to | fi (Finish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
GER (German) | is equivalent to | de (German) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
GRE (Greek) | is equivalent to | el (Modern Greek (1453-)) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
GUJ (Indian - Gujarati) | is equivalent to | gu (Gujarati) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
HAK (Chinese - Hakka) | is equivalent to | hak (Hakka Chinese) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
HEB (Hebrew) | is equivalent to | he (Hebrew) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
HIF (Fijian - Hindi) | is equivalent to | hif (Fiji Hindi) | note name correction |
HIN (Indian - Hindi) | is equivalent to | hi (Hindi) | note name correction |
HLT (Matu (T Burmese)) | is equivalent to | hlt (Matu Chin) | note name correction |
HRV (Croatian) | is equivalent to | hr (Croatian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
HUN (Hungarian) | is equivalent to | hu (Hungarian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
ILS (Sign Lang - Std Intl) | is equivalent to | ils (International Sign) | note name correction |
IND (Indonesian) | is equivalent to | id (Indonesian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
ITA (Italian) | is equivalent to | it (Italian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
JAP (Japanese) | is equivalent to | ja (Japanese) | note code correction |
KIN (Kinyarwanda) | is equivalent to | rw (Kinyarwanda) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
KHM (Khmer) | is equivalent to | km (Central Khmer) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
KMR (Kurdish - Badinani) | is equivalent to | kmr (Northern Kurdish) | note name correction |
KOR (Korean) | is equivalent to | ko (Korean) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
KUR (Kurdish) | is equivalent to | ku (Kurdish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
LAO | is equivalent to | lo (Lao) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
MAO (NZ Maori) | is equivalent to | mi (Māori) | note macron in name; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
MSA (Malay) | is equivalent to | ms (Malay (macrolanguage)) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
MYA (Burmese) | is equivalent to | my (Burmese) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
NAN (Chinese - Hokkien) | is equivalent to | nan (Min Nan Chinese) | note name correction |
NEP (Nepalese) | is equivalent to | ne (Nepali (macrolanguage)) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
NOR (Norwegian) | is equivalent to | no (Norwegian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
NZS (Sign Lang - NZ) | is equivalent to | nzs (New Zealand Sign Language) | note name correction |
ORM (Oromo) | is equivalent to | om (Oromo) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
PAN (Indian - Punjabi) | is equivalent to | pa (Panjabi) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
POL (Polish) | is equivalent to | pl (Polish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
POR (Portuguese) | is equivalent to | pt (Portuguese) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
PRS (Dari-Afghanistan) | is equivalent to | prs (Dari) | note name correction |
RAR (Cook Island Maori) | is equivalent to | rar (Cook Island Māori) | note macron in name; not using mi-CK |
RUN (Kirundi) | is equivalent to | rn (Rundi) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
RUS (Russian) | is equivalent to | ru (Russian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SAM (Samoan) | is equivalent to | sm (Samoan) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SIN (Sinhalese (Sri Lankan)) | is equivalent to | si (Sinhala) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SLK (Slovak) | is equivalent to | sk (Slovak) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SOM (Somalian) | is equivalent to | so (Somali) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SPA (Spanish) | is equivalent to | es (Spanish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SRP (Serbo-croatian) | is equivalent to | sr (Serbian) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SWA (Swahili) | is equivalent to | sw (Swahili (macrolanguage)) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
SWE (Swedish) | is equivalent to | sv (Swedish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
TAM (Tamil) | is equivalent to | ta (Tamil) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
THA (Thai) | is equivalent to | th (Thai) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
TIR (Tigrinya) | is equivalent to | ti (Tigrinya) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
TKL (Tokelauan) | is equivalent to | tkl (Tokelaua) | note name correction |
TON (Tongan) | is equivalent to | to (Tonga (Tonga Islands)) | note name correction - there is more than one Tonga language; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
TUR (Turkish) | is equivalent to | tr (Turkish) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
UKR (Ukrainian) | is equivalent to | uk (Ukrainian) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
URD (Urdu) | is equivalent to | ur (Urdu) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
VIE (Vietnamese) | is equivalent to | vi (Vietnamese) | iso-639-1 takes precedence |
YUE (Chinese - Cantonese) | is equivalent to | yue (Yue Chinese) | note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence |
zFOO (Chinese - Fookien) | is equivalent to | nan (Min Nan Chinese) | Fukien and Hokkien seem to be equivalent names for potentiall different dialects of Min Nan Chinese |
zLEB (Lebanese) | is equivalent to | apc (North Levantine Arabic) | note name and code correction |
zROH (Rohingya) | is equivalent to | rhg (Rohingya) | note code correction |
Group 2 Mapping from NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System to NZ Central Region - Proposed Language Code System
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
zTEO (Chinese - Teochoew) | is equivalent to | tws (Teochew) | Proposed value for iso-630-3 |
Group 3 Mapping from NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System to NullFlavor
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
zOTH (Other - Not Further Defined) | is equivalent to | OTH (Other) | NULL values are not from ietf namespace |
"resourceType" : "ConceptMap",
"id" : "nzcr-language-map",
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ConceptMap nzcr-language-map</b></p><a name=\"nzcr-language-map\"> </a><a name=\"hcnzcr-language-map\"> </a><a name=\"nzcr-language-map-en-NZ\"> </a><p>Mapping from <a href=\"ValueSet-nzcr-raw-language-vs.html\">NZ Central Region - Raw Language Value Value Set</a> to <a href=\"\">urn:ietf:bcp:47</a></p><br/><p><b>Group 1 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-nzcr-raw-language-cs.html\">NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System</a> to <a href=\"\">Tags for the Identification of Languages</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>ACH (Acoli)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ach (Acoli)</td><td/></tr><tr><td>DIN (Dinka)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>din (Dinka)</td><td/></tr><tr><td>FIL (Filipino)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>fil (Filipino)</td><td/></tr><tr><td>NIU (Niuean)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>niu (Niuean)</td><td/></tr><tr><td>TVL (Tuvalu)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>tvl (Tuvalu)</td><td/></tr><tr><td>ACE (Acehnese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ace (Achinese)</td><td>note name correction; aka Acehnese</td></tr><tr><td>AFR (Afrikaans)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>af (Afrikaans)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>AII (Assyrian Arabic)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ayp (North Mesopotamian Arabic)</td><td>utter confusion in correct langauge code and name</td></tr><tr><td>AMH (Amharic)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>am (Amharic)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>ARA (Arabic)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ar (Arabic)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>ASE (Sign Lang - American)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ase (American Sign Language)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>BEN (Bengali)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>bn (Bengali)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>BUL (Bulgarian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>bg (Bulgarian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>CDO (Chinese - Foochow)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>cdo (Min Dong Chinese)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>CES (Czechoslovakian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>cs (Czech)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>CHM (Chinese - Mandarin)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>cmn (Mandarin Chinese)</td><td>please use correct iso code</td></tr><tr><td>DAN (Danish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>da (Danish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>DUT (Dutch)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>nl (Dutch)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>DZO (Bhutanese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>dz (Dzongkha)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>ENG (English)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>en (English)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>FAS (Farsi)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>fa (Persian)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>FIJ (Fijian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>fj (Fijian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>FIN (Finnish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>fi (Finish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>GER (German)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>de (German)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>GRE (Greek)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>el (Modern Greek (1453-))</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>GUJ (Indian - Gujarati)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>gu (Gujarati)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>HAK (Chinese - Hakka)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>hak (Hakka Chinese)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>HEB (Hebrew)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>he (Hebrew)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>HIF (Fijian - Hindi)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>hif (Fiji Hindi)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>HIN (Indian - Hindi)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>hi (Hindi)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>HLT (Matu (T Burmese))</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>hlt (Matu Chin)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>HRV (Croatian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>hr (Croatian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>HUN (Hungarian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>hu (Hungarian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>ILS (Sign Lang - Std Intl)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ils (International Sign)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>IND (Indonesian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>id (Indonesian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>ITA (Italian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>it (Italian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>JAP (Japanese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ja (Japanese)</td><td>note code correction</td></tr><tr><td>KIN (Kinyarwanda)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>rw (Kinyarwanda)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>KHM (Khmer)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>km (Central Khmer)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>KMR (Kurdish - Badinani)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>kmr (Northern Kurdish)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>KOR (Korean)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ko (Korean)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>KUR (Kurdish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ku (Kurdish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>LAO</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>lo (Lao)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>MAO (NZ Maori)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>mi (MÄori)</td><td>note macron in name; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>MSA (Malay)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ms (Malay (macrolanguage))</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>MYA (Burmese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>my (Burmese)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>NAN (Chinese - Hokkien)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>nan (Min Nan Chinese)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>NEP (Nepalese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ne (Nepali (macrolanguage))</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>NOR (Norwegian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>no (Norwegian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>NZS (Sign Lang - NZ)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>nzs (New Zealand Sign Language)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>ORM (Oromo)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>om (Oromo)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>PAN (Indian - Punjabi)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>pa (Panjabi)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>POL (Polish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>pl (Polish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>POR (Portuguese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>pt (Portuguese)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>PRS (Dari-Afghanistan)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>prs (Dari)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>RAR (Cook Island Maori)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>rar (Cook Island MÄori)</td><td>note macron in name; not using mi-CK</td></tr><tr><td>RUN (Kirundi)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>rn (Rundi)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>RUS (Russian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ru (Russian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SAM (Samoan)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>sm (Samoan)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SIN (Sinhalese (Sri Lankan))</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>si (Sinhala)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SLK (Slovak)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>sk (Slovak)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SOM (Somalian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>so (Somali)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SPA (Spanish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>es (Spanish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SRP (Serbo-croatian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>sr (Serbian)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SWA (Swahili)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>sw (Swahili (macrolanguage))</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>SWE (Swedish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>sv (Swedish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>TAM (Tamil)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ta (Tamil)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>THA (Thai)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>th (Thai)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>TIR (Tigrinya)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ti (Tigrinya)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>TKL (Tokelauan)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>tkl (Tokelaua)</td><td>note name correction</td></tr><tr><td>TON (Tongan)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>to (Tonga (Tonga Islands))</td><td>note name correction - there is more than one Tonga language; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>TUR (Turkish)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>tr (Turkish)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>UKR (Ukrainian)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>uk (Ukrainian)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>URD (Urdu)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>ur (Urdu)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>VIE (Vietnamese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>vi (Vietnamese)</td><td>iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>YUE (Chinese - Cantonese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>yue (Yue Chinese)</td><td>note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence</td></tr><tr><td>zFOO (Chinese - Fookien)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>nan (Min Nan Chinese)</td><td>Fukien and Hokkien seem to be equivalent names for potentiall different dialects of Min Nan Chinese</td></tr><tr><td>zLEB (Lebanese)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>apc (North Levantine Arabic)</td><td>note name and code correction</td></tr><tr><td>zROH (Rohingya)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>rhg (Rohingya)</td><td>note code correction</td></tr></table><hr/><p><b>Group 2 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-nzcr-raw-language-cs.html\">NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System</a> to <a href=\"CodeSystem-nzcr-proposed-language-cs.html\">NZ Central Region - Proposed Language Code System</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>zTEO (Chinese - Teochoew)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>tws (Teochew)</td><td>Proposed value for iso-630-3</td></tr></table><hr/><p><b>Group 3 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-nzcr-raw-language-cs.html\">NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System</a> to <a href=\"\">NullFlavor</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>zOTH (Other - Not Further Defined)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>OTH (Other)</td><td>NULL values are not from ietf namespace</td></tr></table></div>"
"url" : "",
"version" : "1.0.12-rc1",
"name" : "NZCRLanguageConceptMap",
"title" : "NZ Central Region Language Concept Map",
"status" : "active",
"experimental" : false,
"date" : "2024-09-17T03:47:47+00:00",
"publisher" : "Te Whatu Ora, Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua, MidCentral",
"contact" : [
"name" : "Te Whatu Ora, Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua, MidCentral",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : "http://"
"description" : "Concept map mapping raw Language codes ex. WebPAS to proper `ietf:bcp:47` language codes",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code" : "NZ",
"display" : "New Zealand"
"purpose" : "Translates raw language codes used in WebPAS to more recognised `ietf:bcp:47` language codes",
"sourceUri" : "",
"targetUri" : "urn:ietf:bcp:47",
"group" : [
"source" : "",
"target" : "urn:ietf:bcp:47",
"element" : [
"code" : "ACH",
"display" : "Acoli",
"target" : [
"code" : "ach",
"display" : "Acoli",
"equivalence" : "equivalent"
"code" : "DIN",
"display" : "Dinka",
"target" : [
"code" : "din",
"display" : "Dinka",
"equivalence" : "equivalent"
"code" : "FIL",
"display" : "Filipino",
"target" : [
"code" : "fil",
"display" : "Filipino",
"equivalence" : "equivalent"
"code" : "NIU",
"display" : "Niuean",
"target" : [
"code" : "niu",
"display" : "Niuean",
"equivalence" : "equivalent"
"code" : "TVL",
"display" : "Tuvalu",
"target" : [
"code" : "tvl",
"display" : "Tuvalu",
"equivalence" : "equivalent"
"code" : "ACE",
"display" : "Acehnese",
"target" : [
"code" : "ace",
"display" : "Achinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; aka Acehnese"
"code" : "AFR",
"display" : "Afrikaans",
"target" : [
"code" : "af",
"display" : "Afrikaans",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "AII",
"display" : "Assyrian Arabic",
"target" : [
"code" : "ayp",
"display" : "North Mesopotamian Arabic",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "utter confusion in correct langauge code and name"
"code" : "AMH",
"display" : "Amharic",
"target" : [
"code" : "am",
"display" : "Amharic",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "ARA",
"display" : "Arabic",
"target" : [
"code" : "ar",
"display" : "Arabic",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "ASE",
"display" : "Sign Lang - American",
"target" : [
"code" : "ase",
"display" : "American Sign Language",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "BEN",
"display" : "Bengali",
"target" : [
"code" : "bn",
"display" : "Bengali",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "BUL",
"display" : "Bulgarian",
"target" : [
"code" : "bg",
"display" : "Bulgarian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "CDO",
"display" : "Chinese - Foochow",
"target" : [
"code" : "cdo",
"display" : "Min Dong Chinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "CES",
"display" : "Czechoslovakian",
"target" : [
"code" : "cs",
"display" : "Czech",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "CHM",
"display" : "Chinese - Mandarin",
"target" : [
"code" : "cmn",
"display" : "Mandarin Chinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "please use correct iso code"
"code" : "DAN",
"display" : "Danish",
"target" : [
"code" : "da",
"display" : "Danish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "DUT",
"display" : "Dutch",
"target" : [
"code" : "nl",
"display" : "Dutch",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "DZO",
"display" : "Bhutanese",
"target" : [
"code" : "dz",
"display" : "Dzongkha",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "ENG",
"display" : "English",
"target" : [
"code" : "en",
"display" : "English",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "FAS",
"display" : "Farsi",
"target" : [
"code" : "fa",
"display" : "Persian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "FIJ",
"display" : "Fijian",
"target" : [
"code" : "fj",
"display" : "Fijian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "FIN",
"display" : "Finnish",
"target" : [
"code" : "fi",
"display" : "Finish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "GER",
"display" : "German",
"target" : [
"code" : "de",
"display" : "German",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "GRE",
"display" : "Greek",
"target" : [
"code" : "el",
"display" : "Modern Greek (1453-)",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "GUJ",
"display" : "Indian - Gujarati",
"target" : [
"code" : "gu",
"display" : "Gujarati",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "HAK",
"display" : "Chinese - Hakka",
"target" : [
"code" : "hak",
"display" : "Hakka Chinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "HEB",
"display" : "Hebrew",
"target" : [
"code" : "he",
"display" : "Hebrew",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "HIF",
"display" : "Fijian - Hindi",
"target" : [
"code" : "hif",
"display" : "Fiji Hindi",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "HIN",
"display" : "Indian - Hindi",
"target" : [
"code" : "hi",
"display" : "Hindi",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "HLT",
"display" : "Matu (T Burmese)",
"target" : [
"code" : "hlt",
"display" : "Matu Chin",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "HRV",
"display" : "Croatian",
"target" : [
"code" : "hr",
"display" : "Croatian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "HUN",
"display" : "Hungarian",
"target" : [
"code" : "hu",
"display" : "Hungarian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "ILS",
"display" : "Sign Lang - Std Intl",
"target" : [
"code" : "ils",
"display" : "International Sign",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "IND",
"display" : "Indonesian",
"target" : [
"code" : "id",
"display" : "Indonesian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "ITA",
"display" : "Italian",
"target" : [
"code" : "it",
"display" : "Italian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "JAP",
"display" : "Japanese",
"target" : [
"code" : "ja",
"display" : "Japanese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note code correction"
"code" : "KIN",
"display" : "Kinyarwanda",
"target" : [
"code" : "rw",
"display" : "Kinyarwanda",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "KHM",
"display" : "Khmer",
"target" : [
"code" : "km",
"display" : "Central Khmer",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "KMR",
"display" : "Kurdish - Badinani",
"target" : [
"code" : "kmr",
"display" : "Northern Kurdish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "KOR",
"display" : "Korean",
"target" : [
"code" : "ko",
"display" : "Korean",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "KUR",
"display" : "Kurdish",
"target" : [
"code" : "ku",
"display" : "Kurdish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "LAO",
"display" : "Lao",
"target" : [
"code" : "lo",
"display" : "Lao",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "MAO",
"display" : "NZ Maori",
"target" : [
"code" : "mi",
"display" : "MÄori",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note macron in name; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "MSA",
"display" : "Malay",
"target" : [
"code" : "ms",
"display" : "Malay (macrolanguage)",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "MYA",
"display" : "Burmese",
"target" : [
"code" : "my",
"display" : "Burmese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "NAN",
"display" : "Chinese - Hokkien",
"target" : [
"code" : "nan",
"display" : "Min Nan Chinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "NEP",
"display" : "Nepalese",
"target" : [
"code" : "ne",
"display" : "Nepali (macrolanguage)",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "NOR",
"display" : "Norwegian",
"target" : [
"code" : "no",
"display" : "Norwegian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "NZS",
"display" : "Sign Lang - NZ",
"target" : [
"code" : "nzs",
"display" : "New Zealand Sign Language",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "ORM",
"display" : "Oromo",
"target" : [
"code" : "om",
"display" : "Oromo",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "PAN",
"display" : "Indian - Punjabi",
"target" : [
"code" : "pa",
"display" : "Panjabi",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "POL",
"display" : "Polish",
"target" : [
"code" : "pl",
"display" : "Polish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "POR",
"display" : "Portuguese",
"target" : [
"code" : "pt",
"display" : "Portuguese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "PRS",
"display" : "Dari-Afghanistan",
"target" : [
"code" : "prs",
"display" : "Dari",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "RAR",
"display" : "Cook Island Maori",
"target" : [
"code" : "rar",
"display" : "Cook Island MÄori",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note macron in name; not using mi-CK"
"code" : "RUN",
"display" : "Kirundi",
"target" : [
"code" : "rn",
"display" : "Rundi",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "RUS",
"display" : "Russian",
"target" : [
"code" : "ru",
"display" : "Russian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SAM",
"display" : "Samoan",
"target" : [
"code" : "sm",
"display" : "Samoan",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SIN",
"display" : "Sinhalese (Sri Lankan)",
"target" : [
"code" : "si",
"display" : "Sinhala",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SLK",
"display" : "Slovak",
"target" : [
"code" : "sk",
"display" : "Slovak",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SOM",
"display" : "Somalian",
"target" : [
"code" : "so",
"display" : "Somali",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SPA",
"display" : "Spanish",
"target" : [
"code" : "es",
"display" : "Spanish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SRP",
"display" : "Serbo-croatian",
"target" : [
"code" : "sr",
"display" : "Serbian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SWA",
"display" : "Swahili",
"target" : [
"code" : "sw",
"display" : "Swahili (macrolanguage)",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "SWE",
"display" : "Swedish",
"target" : [
"code" : "sv",
"display" : "Swedish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "TAM",
"display" : "Tamil",
"target" : [
"code" : "ta",
"display" : "Tamil",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "THA",
"display" : "Thai",
"target" : [
"code" : "th",
"display" : "Thai",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "TIR",
"display" : "Tigrinya",
"target" : [
"code" : "ti",
"display" : "Tigrinya",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "TKL",
"display" : "Tokelauan",
"target" : [
"code" : "tkl",
"display" : "Tokelaua",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction"
"code" : "TON",
"display" : "Tongan",
"target" : [
"code" : "to",
"display" : "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction - there is more than one Tonga language; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "TUR",
"display" : "Turkish",
"target" : [
"code" : "tr",
"display" : "Turkish",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "UKR",
"display" : "Ukrainian",
"target" : [
"code" : "uk",
"display" : "Ukrainian",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "URD",
"display" : "Urdu",
"target" : [
"code" : "ur",
"display" : "Urdu",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "VIE",
"display" : "Vietnamese",
"target" : [
"code" : "vi",
"display" : "Vietnamese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "YUE",
"display" : "Chinese - Cantonese",
"target" : [
"code" : "yue",
"display" : "Yue Chinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name correction; iso-639-1 takes precedence"
"code" : "zFOO",
"display" : "Chinese - Fookien",
"target" : [
"code" : "nan",
"display" : "Min Nan Chinese",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "Fukien and Hokkien seem to be equivalent names for potentiall different dialects of Min Nan Chinese"
"code" : "zLEB",
"display" : "Lebanese",
"target" : [
"code" : "apc",
"display" : "North Levantine Arabic",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note name and code correction"
"code" : "zROH",
"display" : "Rohingya",
"target" : [
"code" : "rhg",
"display" : "Rohingya",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "note code correction"
"source" : "",
"target" : "",
"element" : [
"code" : "zTEO",
"display" : "Chinese - Teochoew",
"target" : [
"code" : "tws",
"display" : "Teochew",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "Proposed value for iso-630-3"
"source" : "",
"target" : "",
"element" : [
"code" : "zOTH",
"display" : "Other - Not Further Defined",
"target" : [
"code" : "OTH",
"display" : "Other",
"equivalence" : "equivalent",
"comment" : "NULL values are not from ietf namespace"
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.